Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Worthy Brothers,

It is with great pleasure that I officially announce the progression of Steve Jarosz to Deputy Grand Knight and Bill Klosterman as Recorder.

This progression will help sustain the leadership and momentum of the council beyond June 2014. Steve has lead the Youth Ministry for over 15 years. He knows the ins, and outs, of St Francis, and how to execute events. He has lots of experience fundraising. He probably has more time than I do to lead the council. In the next 6 months we will be looking at brothers that are willing to become Deputy Grand Knight in 2014. This role is extremely helpful in having active committees and empowered Directors. It would be a great improvement in our council leadership for Steve to have a Deputy Grand Knight the entire time that he is Grand Knight. It helps to share the load of leadership, and improves accessibility to them.

I would ask those of you that may feel a call to help our council grow and work more efficiently to please talk to Steve or myself about the opportunity to move into the role of Deputy Grand Knight in June 2014.

Thank you Steve, and Bill for accepting these new duties!

Tim O'Connor

Recent events, tootsie roll drive, soccer challenge, crosses

Friday, September 27, 2013

Worthy Brothers!!


There will be two events this weekend!  One is the Soccer challenge on Saturday morning at 9am.  We could always use a hand in the set-up and teardown.


Second, we will have the Narthex this weekend to give away Tootsie Rolls, and collect for Special Olympics.  We will also spread out the Knights membership material and try to recruit a new member or 2.  


Please wear your red shirt to mass this weekend.  Let's demonstrate our numbers to the community!


Lastly,  We have our October meeting next week, Thursday.  Please plan on attending.  I would like to go over the calendar for the year, and discuss some of the options that we have.


May God be with you this weekend, and always!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Father Michael McGivney’s Cause for Canonization Advances (1657)

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints is investigating a possible miracle attributed to the intercession of the founder of the Knights of Columbus.

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/father-michael-mcgivneys-cause-for-canonization-advances/#ixzz2dI9u3twW

Monday, August 5, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

14278 K of C