Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Degree - Fr Mic O'Neill joins the Knights

Greetings all!

It is so nice to have a cool breeze in the morning!  It is great to be in Florida!  These are the best days to stop and smell the flowers, and praise God.  The news is full of bad news from other countries.  We were so blessed to be born, here, in the United States of America.  We may not have what we want, or what our neighbors have or what our siblings and other family have but we have what most of the world does not have.  Peace in our lands, and an economy that is recovering, an unemployment rate that most of the rest of the world would envy, and a vibrant and educated middle-class.  It is easy to take all that we have for granted and be unhappy because we don't have more.

In August, after the Silver Rose Event and our Business Meeting we had a First Degree Exemplification at St Stephens School.  Fr Mic joined the Knights of Columbus Blessed Rosmini Council 14278 on August 18th at 9am.  He was joined by Jose Sanchez who is a dedicated and hard-working member of John 23rd, and other hispanic ministries here at St Francis.  He painted the Statue of Our Lady of Guadelupe that was ushered in during the Silver Rose.  He was part of that procession.  We are so glad to have him and Fr Mic in our council.

From Left to Right is Karol Chordas, Tim O'Connor, Deacon Dick Beaudry, Fr Mic O'Neill, Jose Sanchez, & Chito Ocampo

All men of the St Francis parish will benefit spiritually by being a part of the Knights of Columbus.  If the council is active enough, their families will benefit from the activities and programs as well.  In our parish, all the priests, and deacons are Knights of Columbus.  With that type of endorsement, what is keeping you from joining?  We would love to have your help at one of our next events!  You do not need to be a Knight to help.  Come and be a part of what we are doing.  Meet the Knights of this parish.

Our last official action in the month of August was to donate to the Legion of Mary.  They need supplies in order to make rosaries and distribute them.  We regularly contribute to their ministry.  The Knights of Columbus try and support Pro-Life through all that they do.  That makes the Legion of Mary and the Knights of Columbus good partners.

In the picture above John Mabe, our Community Director, representing our council, hands over our contribution to Deidre Bristol representing the Legion of Mary.  

We will soon have a Rosary Rally! It is on October 13th at 10am in English, and October 13th at Noon in Spanish.  We hope to see you all there.

May God bless you and your family.  May you see the light of his way in our rushed and distracted lives!

Tim O'Connor
Grand Knight

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